I would like to start by saying that this is the first time I have ever written anything for the public to see. I am not a writer hell, I never received more then a C+ in any English class. So this blog will not be an example of good grammar or any kind of a literary masterpiece. What this blog will provide is a rare glimpse to the male perspective and " What To Expect When SHE'S Expecting" The truth is some woman may not appreciate this point of view so I would like to say this to all the woman up front...I understand that the 9 months of pregnancy takes a huge toll on you emotionally, mentally, and physically, and I appreciate and admire you all...especially my amazing wife. The truth is woman have many points of reference and survival guides to help map out this rare and amazing adventure, but us MEN? We have no compass, no map to guide us through this rollercoster. We are blind we are confused and we have no idea what is going on inside the woman we love. I have already experienced many extraordinary moments of fear, excitement, confusion, total humor, and great uncertainty. This is why at week 10 of my wife's pregnancy I have decided to document my journey and maybe help one guy have a map of my experiences to help them through this remarkable time. For the woman, well you can now see how us guys are feeling and now get a rare glimpse of what we are truly thinking, welcome to the boys club ladies hold on tight.
HOW IT ALL BEGAN a little HIS-story
My wife and I have been happily married for almost 2 years. We decided to become homeowners last year and as many people can relate once your over 30 the world around you starts to have children. My wife and I decided to also embark on the idea of parenthood...well outside of our first baby our dog Bently. We have been trying for about a year with not much luck. We unfortunately had witnessed so many couples have either failed attempts or terrible losses. It's funny when we are 17 we try everything in our power to not get a girl pregnant, but when we are in our 30's we have a window of one hour within one day to create your legacy...what the hell is that all about? Like everyone else we did the ovulation tests, quit smoking, and tried to have fun in the process, but no luck. Then came the dreadful day, my trip to the UROLOGIST. Let me tell you guys this was one appointment I wish I had missed. I was probed, touched, and I felt like I was part of a bad lifetime movie and needed a shower immediately. The good news was after 3 calls to the lab and one annoyed Dr. I was finally given my results..." Your counts are perfect" I must say and this is the truth it was a moment of personal victory. My wife's results came back with positive results as well. With that being said the loving couple had the green lite to reproduce...trust me going to the DMV and taking your road test blind folded is easier then knocking up your wife. I have blogged enough for one night. This was chapter one ladies and GENTS. Next time we talk about false/positives, and the scream I will never forget "I'M PREGNANT SWEETNESS"
See you soon,
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